1.2.1 General All flights into or over the territory of the Saudi Arabia and landing in such territory must be carried 
out in accordance with the laws and implementing regulations of the Saudi Arabia regarding civil aviation. The Applications for Flight Permit are conducted through the Administration of Air Transport 
General Department. The actions for flight permits are carried out by the Flights Authorization Department. Aircraft landing in or departing from the territory of the Saudi Arabia must first land at or finally 
depart from, an international aerodrome (see ADl and AD 2) except as may be otherwise noted in this section. Subject to the observance of the applicable laws, rules, conditions, and limitations as described below, any foreign civil aircraft* registered and manufactured in any foreign country which is a Contracting State to the Convention of International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) may be navigated in the Saudi Arabia airspace. Foreign civil aircraft manufactured in a country which at the time of manufacture was not a Contracting State to the Convention may be navigated in the Saudi Arabia airspace if the country has notified !CAO that the aircraft meets the standards described in the Chicago Convention or if a notice has been filed with GACA Air Transport & International cooperation Sector through diplomatic channels, that the aircraft meets the standards described in the Chicago Convention. Aircraft registered under the laws of foreign countries, not Contracting States to the Convention, may be navigated in Saudi Arabia airspace only when the President of the GACA. All foreign civil aircraft operated to, from, or within the Saudi Arabia must carry on board effective certificates of registration and airworthiness issued by the country of registry. Also, each member of the flight crew must carry a valid airman certificate or license authorizing that member to perform their assigned functions in the aircraft. The applications for flight permit are assessed based on the safety, security, and commercial rights of KSA Aircraft operators should comply with the respective AIPs for the permit requirements for flights intending to enter, depart, or overfly the KSA airspace along with the planned flight routes. Each person piloting the aircraft under IFR
  • Holds a current instrument rating issued under GACAR Part 61 or is authorized by his foreign pilot licence to pilot under IFR
  •  Is thoroughly familiar with Saudi Arabia en-route, holding, and descent procedures
  •  At least one flight crew member of that aircraft is able to conduct
  • Two way radiotelephone communications in the English language and that flight crew member is on duty while the aircraft is approaching, operating within, or departing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All foreign air operators in the Saudi Arabia must adhere to Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft.

1.2.2 Permit application procedures General Application for permits in respect of all civil aircraft operations referred to herein shall be submitted to the GACA (Oboor System) Air Transport & international cooperation sector at the address ( it is mostly required to establish coordination with the civil and military institutions and Airports. Accordingly, the application periods must be observed to complete the coordination process of the relevant flight permit. The applications not complying with such periods, are not considered. The completed flight request (Private flights, normal overflight, normal tech stop) shall be submitted no less than (72 hrs.) before the date of the Flight. Procedures (Oboor System) (Oboor System) serves as a platform for all local and foreign airlines, and agents to apply their 
flights. This system aims to facilitate airlines operations, non-scheduled flights, & overflight scheduled, General Aviation etc. by providing a one-stop web based. With (Oboor System) airline(s) or agent(s) or appointed ground handler(s) are now able to monitor the status of their application submitted through the system and required to apply for flight permit via (Oboor System) First time user of (Oboor System) would need to register via ( The requirement will be based on the purpose of flight that selected in the system. Applications for flight permits to land in or overfly Saudi Arabia territory must contain the following information. Type of clearance requested (landing / overfly) Type of permit based on operation. General Aviation flights (Single flight) :
  1. Private
  2. Charter non schedule
  3. Charter Schedule flights
  4. Delivery
  5. Tech stop
  6. Ambulance
  7. Cargo (Normal / Dangerous) goods
  8. Aerial works Flights
  9. Demo Flights
  10. Other

Note : For Further Details in relation to Dangerous goods Flights Permits see paragraph Commercial flights:
  1.  Overflight Commercial IATA seasonal Scheduled
  2. Landing Commercial Schedule flights Overflight Commercial IATA seasonal Scheduled:
  1. Operators have the option to obtain their flight permits by using an authorized agent to apply on their behalf. To do this, they can submit their application to the Flight Authorization Department Email along with an authorization letter.
  2. The authorization letter should officially declare the assignment of the agent and acknowledge that GACA will not charge any application fees for the seasonal permits. However, operators who choose this option must stay in touch with their agent to ensure that all necessary permits are obtained for their flights.
  3. For airlines that wish to obtain their flight permits directly for seasonal overflying permits or overflying ad-hoc flights permits without involving middle agents. They can open an account in OBOOR system and apply directly. 

To open an account in OBOOR system an email request must be send to Flight Authorization Department. Include the following documents: 
  • ICAO designator certificate.
  • IATA designator certificate.
  • Main contact details: Name, Mobile, Phone, Email, and Location address Landing Commercial IATA Scheduled Flights: 

Foreign air carriers or the foreign air carriers' local agents cannot apply for schedule flights clearances directly from OBOOR system, but they must have an active profile in the system for their clearances. However, any foreign air carrier is wishing to obtain landing IATA scheduled flight clearance, must submit an official request to air transportation department. The following supporting documents must be submitted with application:
  1. A copy of valid FOC (foreign operator certificate)
  2.  A copy of valid economic license for each requested airport.
  3.  Finalize any outstanding payment or obtain payment plan approval.
  4. Time slot approval see paragraph 1.2.3. Diplomatic and Military:

All Diplomatic and Military Flights request (owned or leased by the foreign government) must apply via Diplomatic channels Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). All leased Flights request on purpose of Military or Diplomatic movement, which sponsored by KSA government, can apply directly via Oboor system. Permit Validity Validity of Permit is 72 hours, only applicable for the change of (date of flight - ETA and ETD plus flight details) within the 72 hrs. The 72 hrs. Validity it is not applicable for COMMERCIAL SCHEDULED FLIGHTS. Violation must be avoid by all operator that might reach up to, according to Saudi civil aviation law: Operating without permit that include:
  1. Permit not matching with the flight plan.
  2. Not applying any changes on the approval permit through Oboor system. Application charges There are no application fees for any commercial scheduled flights permits (Seasonal Summer and winter) Other than that application fees apply (100 SAR) per leg. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPROVAL (ACCEPTANCE FOR SCHEDULED FLIGHT) AND (SINGLE FLIGHT)TO CARRY DANGEROUS GOODS BY AIR Instructions to Applicants: Applicants when applying for a dangerous goods flight permit, are required to complete the requirements given in Annex 1 or Annex 2&3 as the case maybe. The completed requirements shall be submitted through Oboor system, Flights Authorization Dept. no less than ten (10) working days before the date of the Flight. The holder of the permit must comply with the Technical Regulation of the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACAR 109), and the updated version of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air), (Doc 9284), and (Doc 9284 Supplement). In case were miss declared or undeclared dangerous goods are discovered, the holder of the permit shall submit a report to GACA, Flights Authorization Dept. Using email address at (DGFC@GACA.GOV.SA), within 24 hours of the discovery. Failure to complete the requirements in full or part may result in a delay in processing the application. The Permit might withdraw at any time without notice in the event of a violation of any of the conditions or regulations mentioned above. Appendix 1 / Requirements:

Requirements for Approval to Carrying Dangerous Goods by Air Except IATA DGR (Class 7)
To obtain the permit, along with the application form duly filled, the applicants must submit the following supporting documents:

a.    Airway Bill (AWB).
b.    Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD) by the operator.
c.    A certificate of Operations Specifications for the carrier specifying the registration of the aircraft.
d.    Risk Assessment by the operator in the event of a shipment(s) that is prohibited/ forbidden to transport by air or a shipment that is allowed to be transported and exceeds the permissible limit.
e.    An Exemption letter in the event of a shipment/ shipments that is prohibited/forbidden from being transported by air or a shipment that is allowed to be transported but exceeds the limit allowed by the state (Carrier/ Recipient/ Operator).
f.    Diplomatic Request Number (FCR), in case the cargo is related to Diplomatic/Military use.
g.   Full flight route.
h.   Determine the Emergency Airports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia according to the flight route.
i.    Any other relevant documents related to the carriage of Dangerous Good by air must be provided.
j.    An undertaking by the Carrier Company to include (Dangerous Goods) in field 18 of the (Flight Plan), with the obligation of the aircraft pilot to inform the Saudi Air Navigation Services (ATC) of the Dangerous Goods item being carried, before entering the Kingdom's airspace. Appendix 2 / Requirements (Radioactive Materials):

Requirements for carrying Dangerous Goods by Air (Radioactive Materials):

To obtain the permit, along with the application form duly filled, the applicants must submit the following supporting documents:

a.    Import and Export Permits. In case the permits are not required, the applicant shall submit a proof that the permits are not required.
b.    End user certificate.
c.    Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD), which specifies the Activity and Transport Index (Tl).
d.    Airway Bill (AWB).
e.    Copy of insurance policy.
f.    Copy of Package Design Certificate, if applicable.
g.    Materials Technical Description.
h.    Air Operator Certificate (AOC).
i.    A certificate of Operations Specifications for the carrier specifying the registration of the aircraft.
j.    Duly filled form of (International Air Transport of Nuclear or Radioactive Material Approval Request) "Appendix 3". Radioactive Form (1).pdf
k.   Diplomatic Request Number (FCR), in case the cargo is related to Diplomatic/Military use.
I.    Full flight route.
m.  Determine the Emergency Airports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia according to the flight route.
n.   Failure to complete the requirements may lead to a delay in the procedure and thus delaying and rescheduling the flight.
o.   An undertaking by the Carrier Company to include (Dangerous Goods-Radioactive Materials) in field 18 of the (Flight Plan), with the obligation of the aircraft pilot to inform the Saudi Air Navigation Services (ATC), of the Dangerous Goods item being carried, before entering the Kingdom's airspace.

1.2.3 Application for slots (landing in Saudi Arabia civil Airports) GACA has been appointed (ACL) Coordinator, Schedule Facilitator and Data Collection agent for all civil airports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Contact details for ACL are as follows: During the hours 0730 -1600 (UTC time), Monday to Friday and 0600L-1500LSunday, ACL will also be available on:

SITA: OCS Portal
Email: for general enquiry
IATA SSIM Messages should be sent to Airlines or operators must apply for slots via ACL before submitting for landing permit request letters via official channels to avoid any implications or being rejected. Flights less than 24 Hours or 48 Hours during weekends, the airlines can apply directly to concern Airport Authority to get their time slot approval and subject to Air transport Directorate approval. Allocated slot for any commercial operation (IATA scheduled or non-scheduled) flights, it does not mean a clearance; applicants are required to obtain GACA flight authorization department for final approval. Airport approval does not mean the airline(s) / operator(s) approved to operate unless the airline(s) / operator(s) have the final approval from the flight's authorization department.

1.2.4 Public health measures applied toaircraft. Public health measures are required to be carried out in respect of aircraft entering Saudi Arabia in the circumstances specified in the following paragraph. The Government reserves the right to disinfect every aircraft coming from an area of yellow fever infection. When required, disinfection shall be the responsibility of the air carrier and will be subject to monitoring by the appropriate officials of the Saudi Arabian government. The cargo compartment shall be disinfected before the mail, baggage, and other cargo are discharged and the rest of the aircraft must be disinfected after passengers and crew deplane. Disinfection shall be performed with an approved insecticide in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. All food and potable water taken on board an aircraft at any airport and intended for human consumption thereon must be obtained from sources approved in accordance with Saudi Food and Drug Authority rules and guidelines. Aircraft inbound or outbound on an international flight must not discharge over the Saudi Arabia any excrement or wastewater or other polluting materials. Arriving aircraft must discharge such matter only at servicing areas approved under regulations cited in paragraph above. Aircraft on an international voyage, which are in traffic between Saudi Arabia aerodromes, will be subject to inspection when there occurs on board, among passengers or crew, any death, or any ill person, or when illness is suspected to be caused by insanitary conditions.

1.2.5 Ramp Inspection The General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) will conduct random ramp inspections of inbound and outbound aircraft. All crews are expected to fully cooperate with GACA inspectors who are performing their duties. Pilot in command will be fully responsible in case of any findings and any resulting actions taken by GACA inspectors. Findings are categorized as follows: Category 1 finding: a minor finding which does not affect the safe operation of the aircraft. The action may be a verbal debriefing and / or a copy of the ramp inspection report. Category 2 finding: a finding concerns deficiencies that have a limited effect on the safe operation of the aircraft. The action may be a verbal debriefing and / or a copy of the ramp inspection report or if significant, by communication with the responsible State Authority and the home base of the Operator. Category 3 finding: a major finding that concerns the safe operation of the aircraft. The action depends on the severity of the finding and may range as follow:

a)   Restriction of aircraft operation. The aircraft is fit to fly but under certain restrictions.
b)   Corrective action is required before further flight is authorized.
c)    Aircraft is grounded in a situation where findings are not accepted by the captain and/ or no corrective action has been taken before flight.
d)    Suspension or revocation of the entry permission.

Note GACA - SS and AT form 110-1 (referred to by operators as FOC) is only valid to one and only one operator who has been awarded the permit as shown on theform in the operator section.Discrepancies with the use of this form constitutea violation and will generate afine and can cause grounding of aircraft.

International Air Transit Transport Approval Request_Part1

International Air Transit Transport Approval Request_Part2